Sunday, May 10, 2015

What is your "farming" style?

       Out of the four views on Christianity I will be supporting the post millennialist views. Through the viewpoints of post millennialism it's said that God will return after the millennium, and that He is binding satan currently. So in the belief, people go to their church to help keep satan under God's control, and then afterwards go and praise for their acts I their churches. One of the main churches they this may happen in is the IHOP, which not only houses select beliefs, but all of the beliefs.

     Also with the postmillennialist is that tribulation is the persecution; like the first Jewish Roman war (around 70 A.D.). With the whole emphasizing society and the individual lives of others, and especially to be very confident with preaching the gospel throughout time.

     Matthew 24:14
     Romans 11:13-15
     John 5:28-29
     Micah 4:3
     Mark 3:23-27

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