Monday, March 2, 2015

Prefarming or farming of will?

     With predestination, many people are confused at the fact that God either has already chosen what we are going to do in our life, or we actually have a free will. In Ephesians 1:11 "In him we were also chosen having been predestined according to the plan of him who works out everything in conformity with the purpose of his will.", it says that by following Him, that we will be predestined by His plan, but what happens when we don't accept him?

     With predestination, if we accept God then we are predestined to do what is according by His plan, but if we don't accept Him then we are just aren't destined to do anything. No. God has given us the choice of following Him, but He promises us eternal life in heaven. But depending on our choices and how much we follow God's word, we will have the chances to go on a journey to a part of the world to spread His word. Even just to share the word with someone that we don't even know, but is that predestined?

     While in faith we believe we have a purpose in God's world, but honestly we don't completely understand everything He has shown us. While other religions claim that our lives are just to please a "god" and nothing happens or we return as an animal. But with Christianity, we have the Bible to help reassure us in God's plan for us, and we are not taking a shot in the dark and hoping what we do is good enough for God.

1 comment:

  1. You bring up some good questions that are important in this discussion. Could only those who are in Christ be predestined? Interesting.

    Please make sure your font color compliments your background. I cannot read this post easily.
