Wednesday, May 13, 2015

A lovely farm

     With the passages of the chapters of John, he states that love is one of the most important things that God had thought of. Not only with the obvious, but many other passages go with love, even John 3:16 shows how much God loves the whole world. But the loving of those around us seems like one of the most difficult things for slot of people, and there are a lot of other things that some would say is more difficult. With one of the 10 commandments, God says that we should love those as you would love ourselves.

Explaining Jesus

     With the people we know, we learn to accept who they are and don't worry about their problems. This also includes religion about them, and at least for me, I have learned to just be used that they aren't Christian. I am eventually going to build up the courage to ask them about their religion, but their are also steps that are including answering questions. With others' situations they are able to continue about how their friends religions are dealt with. 
     When we there are those that try to be able to be as revealing in our discussions, and how to be able to argue about the points made. Even with just explaining who God is, is one of the biggest challenges that us Christians face. When we try to explain that He is not one, but 3 people in just one person. But as for us, it's what we were taught since the beginning, but if you research you will mainly find that their is either one person or multiple peoples, but we are either are actually either to prove that, but because the Bible we have a type of proof for God.

Farming lessons

     With new teaching for anything may not be the most interesting, but that's not for most things for a lot of people. With the teachings especially concerning religion are of one of the most important things to people and they don't want to be shown as incorrect with their beliefs. Now there are those arrogant people that will shun out anything the instant they think it's wrong, but we need to hear of these other teachings in our lives.

     With this in our lives, we should absolutely listen to other religions and learn about them to be able to teach them in our religions works corresponding to our religion. With working in the missionary fields, we need to be able to be relate to others and get through to them and how to teach them. Even with just talking to people in our school, church, or neighborhood; we are able to just explain the basics to anyone. What about if the people don't want to abandon their religions and follow God, then what should we do? We just need to give time for it, just like a lot of other problems that will fix itself.

Potatoe money

     Worth the problem of money on this world is that it's completely controls the mind of most people. With the view of Christianity, it's the whole view using it to honor God and not for themselves. With James 2:1-3, it tells that the gold that women wear should not control them, and the clothes that men wear to hold them back. So there are also many ways that money can control our thoughts and emotion, like prostitution for women who might be desperate for money, or for people who judge others just because of those who don't have enough of it.

Church farmers

      In authority of the church is one of the most important parts of the church apart from God Himself. There are many parts of the church to even choose to be the "leader",but because of man that God made, we are unreliable and incompetent. So there are the pastors in the churches and other parts of the church that oversees the choices of the church and activities. But even though the they are the leaders of the church, they still need overseers of their actions in case of corruption or power hungry. So I believe that the church should be over viewed by the people chosen by the participants of the church, and they select the pastor of the church.
     As far as the whole women being heads of the church, I see no issues with women being the pastor of a church. With the whole view of women being "lesser"
than men, but is almost the exact same thing as racism where people think others are "lesser" than they are because of skin color, but in this situation is the gender of the person. So, yes I believe that women can be the head of a church, with still continue for the participants of the church to continue choosing who is the head of the church.

Sunday, May 10, 2015

What is your "farming" style?

       Out of the four views on Christianity I will be supporting the post millennialist views. Through the viewpoints of post millennialism it's said that God will return after the millennium, and that He is binding satan currently. So in the belief, people go to their church to help keep satan under God's control, and then afterwards go and praise for their acts I their churches. One of the main churches they this may happen in is the IHOP, which not only houses select beliefs, but all of the beliefs.

     Also with the postmillennialist is that tribulation is the persecution; like the first Jewish Roman war (around 70 A.D.). With the whole emphasizing society and the individual lives of others, and especially to be very confident with preaching the gospel throughout time.

     Matthew 24:14
     Romans 11:13-15
     John 5:28-29
     Micah 4:3
     Mark 3:23-27