Monday, January 26, 2015

The coming of farmer Chrost

 Paul gave the theologians words of wisdom of when Christ will be coming back to the world for the second time. He said that God will be coming back, and to remember to follow His words. Because he will remember all of your life and never forget what you have done. 

He told them to stand firmly and to always praise and thank God for he loves you and always will be there for you. Because those who who follow His ways, will be given his glory for the life of Him. And to remain to pray to him and for help with their lives because it's too hard to do it themselves. 

Paul also told them to stay away form the idols of the world, for they are corrupt. For they will do nothing for you and bring many hardships. He also warned to continue to work and do not grow lazy, and to continue working hard. Or if you do grow lazy, he will not earn food or drink for his time he spends doing nothing, and to do any of his works in the name of God.

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